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Arrests of Non-Criminal Undocumented Immigrants in N.J. Has Nearly Doubled

Arrests of Non-Criminal Undocumented Immigrants in N.J. Has Nearly Doubled

It is now widely known that arrests of undocumented immigrants in the United States have been much higher under the Trump Administration. In fact, in the first half of 2017, arrest rates were nearly 40 percent higher compared to the first half of 2016.

Under the Obama Administration, immigration enforcement agencies primarily targeted undocumented immigrants with a criminal record, but the Trump Administration has made it clear that any immigrant without legal status may be detained and deported. According to WNYC, this crackdown on undocumented immigrants has led to a notable increase in arrests of non-criminal immigrants in New Jersey.

In 2016, about 24 percent of undocumented immigrants arrested between January and April in New Jersey were non-criminals. This year, that percentage jumped to a staggering 44 percent.

If you or a member of your family is facing an immigration crisis, contact my office to discuss your options. I will evaluate your situation, answer your questions, and explain how I can help you accomplish your immigration goals. Call 973-453-2009 to speak with a New Jersey green card lawyer from the Law Office of Eric M. Mark.

Gubernatorial Candidate Phil Murphy Vows to Make New Jersey a “Sanctuary State” If DACA Ends

Gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy (D) in a recent debate vowed to make New Jersey a sanctuary state if DACA ends. Murphy is ahead of Republican candidate Kim Guadagno by 16 points.

As I explained in a previous blog, the term “sanctuary city” refers to a city that does not comply with ICE detainer requests. When police arrest a suspected undocumented immigrant, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement sometimes issues a request for law enforcement to hold the suspect for extra time so he or she can be picked up by immigration agents. Police in sanctuary cities do not comply with those requests.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently singled out four cities for refusing to comply with detainer requests. Those cities might be punished via federal funding cuts for law enforcement. If cities in New Jersey refuse to comply with ICE detainer requests, it is likely that they will face the same threats to cut federal funding.

Although the future of sanctuary cities and DACA is still a matter of speculation, it goes without saying that U.S. immigration policies are becoming stricter, and even non-criminal immigrants are not safe from deportation. If a member of your family is facing removal proceedings or if you would like to adjust your immigration status, contact my office to discuss your options.

No matter what your immigration concerns are, I will tirelessly help you navigate the U.S. immigration system and achieve your immigration goals. Call 973-453-2009 to schedule a free initial consultation with an immigration attorney in New Jersey.