what are the benefits of attending alcoholics anonymous (aa) after being arrested for dwi in elizabeth, nj?

what are the benefits of attending alcoholics anonymous (aa) after being arrested for dwi in elizabeth, nj?


When you make the mistake of getting behind the wheel of your vehicle drunk, you put many lives, including your own, at risk. DWI, aside from crimes involving physical abuse, is one of the most frowned upon offenses a person can commit as there is the potential for so much damage to occur. Not only are drunk drivers responsible for taking the lives of thousands of innocent individuals, but they also cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage.

In 2017, nearly 30 people died in drunk driving crashes every day which equates to about one person every 48 minutes, according to statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Given the damage and deaths that are caused by drunk drivers, it is no secret why the justice system looks to punish offenders harshly. That is why anyone who has been charged with DWI in Elizabeth, NJ or any neighboring cities are urged to retain a DWI defense lawyer as soon as possible. Not only will drunk driving attorney Eric M. Mark help you fight your charges, but he could potentially get your penalties reduced to minimize jail time, driver’s license suspension, ignition interlock requirements and fines.

Now, given how serious the crime of operating a vehicle while drunk is and how severe the punishments for committing it are, some individuals will choose to take it upon themselves and attend Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”) sessions to show they want to get help so they don’t drive drunk again.

What is A.A.?

Alcoholics Anonymous “is an international fellowship of men and woman who have had a substance abuse problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere.” Some of the things A.A. can do for you include:

  • Allow you to share your experience with others who are also seeking help with their drinking problems.
  • A. members give “person-to-person service or “sponsorship” to the alcoholics coming to A.A. from any source.”
  • The Twelve Steps program “offers the alcoholic a way to develop a satisfying life without alcohol.”
  • Allows both alcoholics and non-alcoholics to be a part of group meetings. During these meetings, you can listen to others “tell their stories” and describe the experiences they have gone through with their alcohol issues.

Now, you may be saying to yourself, “Well, what if I don’t have a drinking problem?” The fact is, the judge overseeing your case will likely require you to attend some sort of program that is similar to A.A. if not an actual A.A. program, and by you being proactive and attending sessions on your own without a court order to do so, you could make a positive impression on the people evaluating your case. So, whether you have an alcohol problem or not, you might consider joining A.A. or another program related to alcohol rehabilitation

Speak with a skilled DWI lawyer in Elizabeth, NJ today to find out what you can do to help lessen the penalties your charge carries with it.

It is essential you hire a lawyer to represent you in your case so you can become more informed on what your legal rights are, receive the legal advice and guidance you will want and need, and assert your defenses in court. Not only will an attorney trained in handling DWI cases be there with you each step of the way, but attorneys like Eric M. Mark will also assist you in determining what you can be doing on your part to help prove you have learned your lesson from your mistake and won’t engage in that behavior ever again.