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  • new jersey supreme court decided state v. mark jackson and state v. jamie monroe
    new jersey supreme court decided state v. mark jackson and state v. jamie monroe
    Elizabeth, New Jersey – On April 1, 2020 the New Jersey Supreme Court decided State v. Mark Jackson and State v. Jamie Monroe. Both defendants made recorded phone calls from county jails and the State used those recordings in the prosecutions. The trials courts both suppressed the evidence, but the...
  • the board of immigration appeals
    the board of immigration appeals
    Jersey City, New Jersey – On March 31, 2020, the Board of Immigration Appeals (“The Board” or “the BIA”) decided Matter of J-J-G holding that when evaluating the exceptional and extremely unusual hardship element of cancellation of removal...
  • supreme court decided kansas v. glover
    supreme court decided kansas v. glover
    Jersey City, New Jersey – On April 6, 2020, the United States Supreme Court decided Kansas v. Glover, in which the Court held a police officer may stop a motor vehicle if s/he runs the license plate and the registered owner of the vehicle’s driving privileges are revoked unless the officer...