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A Look at Temporary Work Visas in the U.S.

A Look at Temporary Work Visas in the U.S.

Newark, NJ- Immigrants who wish to gain work experience in the U.S. and possess the necessary skills, experience and education levels can apply for a temporary (nonimmigrant) work visa. A temporary work visa gives a foreign national permission to live and work in the U.S. on a temporary basis

I have previously discussed permanent (immigrant) work visas, so in this blog I will focus on the types of temporary visas available and some of the criteria an immigrant must meet in order to obtain one.

Temporary work visas, commonly referred to as nonimmigrant visas, are granted to foreign nationals who plan to work in the U.S. for a limited period of time. These visas are referred to as nonimmigrant visas because they are granted to individuals who don’t plan on immigrating to the U.S. permanently.

The United States Citizenship and Immigrations Services have a broad range of temporary work visas available to immigrants for a variety of occupations and skill levels. Some apply to farmworkers and individuals who work in the hospitality fields. Others apply to skilled professionals in the fields of medicine, education and finance, to name a few. There are close to two dozen types of temporary work visas available, but here I will discuss the more commonly applied for temporary work visa categories.

H-1B Skilled Worker Visa

H-1B visas are some of the most sought after work visas and are available to immigrants who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher degree in the fields of science, medicine, education, finance and many more. The USCIS issue about 85,000 H-1B visas every year but they run out quickly.

While the USCIS is considered a temporary work visa it is actually a dual-intent visa which means immigrants can apply for permanent residency after obtaining an H-1B visa as long as they are sponsored by an employer or family member.

H-2A Seasonal Agricultural Visa

Another commonly sought after temporary work visa is the H-2A which is issued for seasonal agricultural work. This type of visa is valid for a short period of time when the agricultural industry needs extra workers to harvest crops and help on farms. Applicants must have prior experience with agricultural work and must be sponsored by an employer, but they are not required to hold a college degree. The USCIS issues approximately 66,000 H-2A visas each year and holders are allowed to travel freely for the duration of their visa.

H-2B is also a temporary work visa available to skilled and unskilled workers in the hospitality industries for temporary work during their peak season. This is most commonly seen at hotels during peak season. Applicants are not required to hold an advanced degree but must be sponsored by a U.S. employer.

These visas are available to skilled and unskilled workers for seasonal work or in the hospitality industry. Immigrants are not required to have an advanced college degree but they must have a job offer from a U.S. employer. Applicants must come from a country on the list of current participants and holders are required to return to their native country when their visas expire.

L-1 Visa Intracompany Transferee

This temporary visa category is available to immigrants who work for a company outside the U.S. but need to work with one of the company’s affiliates in the U.S. These individuals can be executives, managers or employees with special skills. There is no cap on how many L-1 visas are issued each year.

The L-1 visa, though classified as temporary, is actually a dual-intent visa, like the H-1B, which allows visa holders to apply for permanent residency.

TN Visa for Canadian and Mexican Workers

The TN visa is another temporary work visa category reserved for professionals from Canada and Mexico. This particular visa lasts one year and can be renewed each year with no limits. Immigrants must meet the educational and licensing requirements of their profession and must be sponsored by a U.S. employer. Applicants can work part-time or attend training for their profession.

These are just a few of the many temporary work visas available. Some of these temporary visa categories allow immigrants to be accompanied by a spouse or children.

Like permanent work visas, there are a limited number of temporary work visas granted each year so it’s important for you to enlist my services as a Newark immigration attorney to assure your success. I can assist you with their paperwork and gathering the required documents. I will make sure your documents are filled out correctly and we meet crucial deadlines so you have greater chance of getting the visa you are seeking.

I have helped a many clients achieve success in their immigration needs and will be an asset to your case. If you need help with a visa, need deportation defense or want to help a family member immigrate call me, Eric Mark and set up a consultation.