
  • Ley DACA de Nueva Jersey
    Ley DACA de Nueva Jersey
    De acuerdo con los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de EE. UU., Ciertas personas que fueron traídas a los EE. UU. Como niños que también cumplen con otros requisitos y pautas pueden calificar para Acción Diferida para Llegadas en la Infancia, o DACA. Las personas que califican para el programa...
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Reinstates H1-B Premium Processing in Jersey City, NJ
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Reinstates H1-B Premium Processing in Jersey City, NJ
    PROCESSING IN JERSEY CITY, NJ NEWARK, ELIZABETH, and JERSEY CITY, New Jersey. In March, the Trump administration put an end to expedited service for the H1-B visa. The expedited service previously allowed employers and employees to fast-track their H1-B visa applications once these applicants were chosen from the lottery. However,...
  • Newark Immigration Attorneys, New Jersey Deportation Lawyers, Jersey City, West New York
    Newark Immigration Attorneys, New Jersey Deportation Lawyers, Jersey City, West New York
    AND WEST NEW YORK Rely on an immigration attorney in New Jersey to assist you and answer questions about all areas of law. These laws change often. I can help you avoid delays or being turned down based on errors in your paperwork. Your future is too important to be left to...
  • Police in Sand Springs, Oklahoma say an officer suffered minor injuries
    Police in Sand Springs, Oklahoma say an officer suffered minor injuries
    Newark, NJ- There are numerous ways in which the current state of the immigration courts adversely affect the immigrants appearing inside their walls. Now, there is another challenge facing immigration courts; the lack of interpreters who are protesting a new agreement with a Department of Justice contractors which is asking...
  • Grand Theft Lawyer in Elizabeth, New Jersey
    Grand Theft Lawyer in Elizabeth, New Jersey
    In New Jersey, you can be charged with grand theft if you steal property valued over $500. Usually, theft of property valued under $500 is lower than the state’s limit and is categorized as petty theft. Stealing a car, boat, horse, or airplane can result in charges of grand theft....