  • Green Cards Issued to Same-Sex Couples
    Green Cards Issued to Same-Sex Couples
    July 7, 2013, Newark, NJ- Within hours of the Supreme Court’s historical DOMA ruling on June 26th, same-sex couples across the country were extended immigrations rights which were previously reserved for heterosexual married couples. On the same day Supreme Court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional, a gay...
  • LBGT Immigrants Win with DOMA Ruling
    LBGT Immigrants Win with DOMA Ruling
    June 26, 2013, Newark, NJ- The Supreme Court ruling which overturned the Defense of Marriage Act was a seminal moment in American history and a monumental victory for same-sex couples across the nation. The immediate impact of the decision was felt by hopeful immigrants who now have the same rights...
  • New Jersey Self-Defense
    New Jersey Self-Defense
    June 19, 2013, Newark, NJ- The jury trial for George Zimmerman, who is charged with the shooting death of a Florida teen Trayvon Martin, begins this week. This multi-faceted case involves a number of controversial issues such as racial profiling and gun violence, which will have some bearing on the...
  • Warrantless Blood Tests Unconstitutional
    Warrantless Blood Tests Unconstitutional
    June 17, 2013, Newark, NJ- A recent Supreme Court decision represents a victory for the constitutional rights of anyone pulled over for suspicion of intoxicated driving. The April ruling guarantees that any alleged offender’s Fourth Amendment rights are preserved and protected by generally forbidding law enforcement officers from subjecting any...
  • Immigration Reform Clears Legislative Hurdle
    Immigration Reform Clears Legislative Hurdle
    June 12, 2013, Newark, NJ- The much anticipated immigration reform bill cleared its first legislative hurdle this week, and is now on the Senate floor for open debate of the approximately 300 amendments added to the bill post-committee. If the reform bill passes it will mean extensive changes to the...