  • Criminal Defense Law Firm
    Criminal Defense Law Firm
    New Jersey Criminal Defense Law Firm New Jersey criminal defense law firm is dedicated to passionately serving clients whose futures hang in the balance, depending upon the decision of a jury. I am available to represent you, or your loved one or friend, if you are facing serious allegations. CALL 973-453-2009 FOR...
  • Arrests of Non-Criminal Undocumented Immigrants in N.J. Has Nearly Doubled
    Arrests of Non-Criminal Undocumented Immigrants in N.J. Has Nearly Doubled
    It is now widely known that arrests of undocumented immigrants in the United States have been much higher under the Trump Administration. In fact, in the first half of 2017, arrest rates were nearly 40 percent higher compared to the first half of 2016. Under the Obama Administration, immigration enforcement agencies primarily...
  • Arrested for Marijuana Possession in New Jersey: What You Need to Know
    Arrested for Marijuana Possession in New Jersey: What You Need to Know
    JERSEY CITY, NEWARK, and ELIZABETH, New Jersey. In 2016, 32,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession, despite the ongoing debate about legalizing marijuana in New Jersey. According to the New York Times, New Jersey is considering legalizing recreational marijuana, but the debate has raised many questions about past enforcement efforts and...
  • Armed Robbery Lawyer in Elizabeth, NJ
    Armed Robbery Lawyer in Elizabeth, NJ
    Armed robbery is a serious criminal charge in Elizabeth, New Jersey. If you are facing charges of armed robbery in New Jersey, it is important to understand your rights and to also respect the seriousness of the charges. If you are found guilty of armed robbery, you can face years...
  • Are Recent Immigration Crackdowns Lead to a Shortage of Low-Skilled Labor?
    Are Recent Immigration Crackdowns Lead to a Shortage of Low-Skilled Labor?
    President Trump missed no opportunity on the campaign trail to promise tougher immigration policies. Trump and those who support his immigration agenda contend that undocumented immigrants take away job opportunities from U.S.-born citizens. However, a recent report from Bloomberg indicates that the unprecedented increase in arrests of undocumented immigrants, which have jumped...