Jersey City DUI Lawyer

As a Jersey City DUI lawyer, I am fully aware of the stress that you face when you are confronted with a drunken driving charge. Even a first-time conviction will result in harsh consequences. And the loss of driving privileges can even result in the end of careers for some individuals. You do not need to face the judge alone when a seasoned criminal defense attorney could advocate for you.

Driving While Intoxicated

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is one of the most serious motor vehicle charges an individual can incur. While the charge is not criminal, the penalties are extremely severe. Drunk driving cases are especially tricky to contest because officers may claim the driver appeared intoxicated, without even having to provide evidence from a breathalyzer or field sobriety test. Once convicted, a DWI can lead to penalties for motorists, including fines, driver’s license suspension and imprisonment, but it can also lead to complications with the individual’s personal life, including job loss, job denial, denial of financial assistance, and the revocation of certain civil rights.

For the best defense against a drunk driving case, it’s important to work with an experienced DUI lawyer in Jersey City to protect both your freedom and your financial future. Eric Mark will do everything he can to help you beat your drunk driving charges quickly and successfully by investigating all evidence pertaining to your case and speaking with police and witnesses. He will work to find all possible defenses, explore all angles to possibly reduce the charges against you, or take your case to trial as he has done for many others.

Understanding Convictions

If I am your Jersey City DUI attorney, I will explain the punishment you face if convicted. The following penalties are based upon a conviction of driving with a Blood Alcohol Content greater than 0.08% but less than 0.10%.

  • A fine ranging from $250.00 to $400.00
  • A fee of $230.00 to be paid to the IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center)
  • A fee of $100.00 to be paid to the State of New Jersey Drunk Driving Fund
  • A fee of $100.00 to be paid to AERF (Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Fund)
  • A surcharge of $1,000.00 to be paid to the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles for 3 years following the drunken driving conviction for a total surcharge of $3,000.00
  • A fee of $75.00 to be paid to the Neighborhood Services Fund
  • Up to 30 days incarceration
  • A mandatory program completion of 12-48 hours with the IDRC
  • As your New Jersey DUI attorney, I can thoroughly review the charges and penalties associated with your drunken driving arrest. Call me today for a free consultation!

When I am your attorney, I can determine the defense options available to dispute your drunken driving charges. I will personally review every element of your encounters with law enforcement officials to ensure that you were treated fairly and that the police followed proper procedure. It is vital that an attorney assesses each and every detail of the evidence provided by the arresting officers:

  • Reviewing the arrest reports to confirm that there was probable cause to pull your vehicle over
  • Viewing and listening to the video and audio files recorded by the dashboard cameras of the patrol cars on scene to ensure that your rights were upheld
  • Requesting the maintenance and performance reports of the equipment used to gather the chemical evidence for your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) test.
  • As a Newark New Jersey DWI attorney, I leave no stone unturned in defending my clients. Do not simply surrender to your charges. Call my firm today for a free consultation.

A conviction on drunken driving charges can have damaging effects on both your personal and professional life. A guilty DUI verdict can seriously damage the reputation and social standing that you have fought so hard to achieve.

Work With a Jersey City Attorney to Defend Your Criminal Charges

Call for Jersey City DUI lawyer today. No attorney or law firm can guarantee the outcome of your case. However, I can provide you with a free evaluation of the details and help you tailor a defense strategy to pursue the best possible outcome.

If you are facing criminal charges in New Jersey, turn to the Law Office of Eric M. Mark today for immediate legal counsel. Eric Mark is the lawyer to turn to when you need aggressive and committed representation. Give us a call today at (201) 713-2227 to schedule a free consultation and discuss the best approach to your individual case needs.