Newark Drug Possession Lawyer

The possession of a controlled substance is a serious offense. If found guilty, you could be saddled with a criminal conviction on your record, costly fines and face years of incarceration. However, a skilled drug attorney could help you fight against a conviction.

Handling these cases on your own is a mistake. The state has the power to bring the weight of the government down on you, making it crucial for you to find legal counsel who can even the odds. A Newark drug possession lawyer from The Law Office of Eric M. Mark could answer your questions and advise you on your options for moving forward.

What Are Controlled Substances?

Numerous substances are controlled by the government, both on the state and federal levels. Without permission, possessing any amount of these drugs is unlawful. Each of these substances is placed into five categories, known as schedules.

Schedule I contains the substances with the highest risk of abuse. Alternatively, Schedule V is largely made up of precursors or ingredients for narcotics. Some of the substances that often lead to an arrest include:

  • Valium
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Cannabis
  • MDMA
  • OxyContin
  • Methamphetamine

The penalties for a possession conviction are severe for all schedule drugs, so it is crucial to have assistance from a Newark attorney who is practiced in handling these types of cases.

Understanding Possible Penalties

Anyone found guilty of possession can face an array of consequences. For most people, the primary concern is the potential for incarceration. The extent of this sentence is primarily determined by the type and amount of drugs in question. While first-time offenders might avoid jail time entirely, multiple prior arrests or the possession of large amounts of drugs can lead to lengthy prison terms. Monetary fines are also common in these cases.

Collateral consequences can also impact someone convicted of possession. These are the negative effects of being found guilty of a drug crime that the judge does not hand down. For example, a criminal record could make finding or keeping a job hard. Additionally, being a convicted felon also restricts important legal rights, including voting in federal elections or owning a firearm. It can also make life difficult for anyone immigrating to the U.S. or going through a child custody dispute. A Newark attorney skilled in handling drug possession cases could answer questions on the unexpected consequences of an arrest or conviction.

Defenses in Drug Possession Cases

A drug possession attorney in Newark could have multiple options when selecting a defense strategy. Perhaps the most common defense is a motion to suppress evidence based on an illegal search. Another occasional option is claiming that the substance in question was not illegal. The police are not immune to making mistakes, like when an arrest for possession turns out to be over-the-counter medication. There is also the possibility that the defendant had a prescription for the drugs at the time of the arrest but did not have proof with them.

A strategy that is an option in every case involves arguing that the state failed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a high standard, and the prosecution is not always able to meet it.

Talk to a Drug Possession Attorney in Newark About Your Legal Options Today

Getting the proper legal counsel is crucial if you have been charged with unlawfully possessing a controlled substance. Your Newark drug possession lawyer could help you build a viable defense strategy that may entirely avoid a conviction.

Contact a tenacious lawyer today to learn more about your legal options. Eric M. Mark would be happy to schedule a consultation at your convenience.