There are dozens of drinking establishments in Newark, from nightclubs to restaurants and liquor stores. Add these locations to the number of house and college campus parties in the area, and you get not only a thriving nightlife but also an increased risk for DUIs.
If you have been accused of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it is important to contact a Newark DUI lawyer as soon as possible to begin developing a defense strategy that can help you achieve a positive possible outcome. Eric M. Mark is a tenacious criminal defense attorney and could advocate for you during this time.
Newark has strict DUI penalties. Upon conviction, first-time offenders who are accused of operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood or higher face a fine of up to $400 as well as up to 30 days in jail, and a driver’s license suspension until an interlock is installed on their vehicle. The interlock must remain in place for three months. A DUI conviction also can net a first-time offender an insurance surcharge of $1,000 a year for three years. Subsequent DUI offenses can increase these penalties.
There are other DUI-related offenses that can also carry fines, incarceration, and driver’s license suspensions, such as:
This carries up to a $500 fine, up to 90 days in jail, and up to 2 years of additional license suspension.
This offense has a penalty of up to a $500 fine, license suspension and interlock requirement, or possible jail time.
Violating this law carries a possible $200 fine and up to 10 days of community service.
If you have been accused of any DUI-related offense, it is important to protect your rights during the investigation and court process by contacting a Newark lawyer as soon as possible.
A Newark attorney could provide several services to assist clients who are facing the consequences of an alcohol-related traffic offense. They often investigate the reason law enforcement stopped the person in the first place, as well as the roadside sobriety tests they were subjected to and any physical disabilities or conditions that would have impacted the accuracy of the test. They will also ensure that the person’s rights were upheld during the investigation and that they were treated with dignity.
A practiced lawyer also helps their clients to develop a defense strategy to help them achieve the best outcome possible in their case. New Jersey’s DUI laws were recently amended to allow defendants and their attorneys the opportunity to plea bargain in order to get a reduced sentence.
Whether they are challenging the results of a field sobriety, blood, or breath test or negotiating a plea deal, a Newark DUI lawyer will advocate for a person tirelessly during this time.
Call The Law Office of Eric M. Mark to schedule a 15 minute free consultation to talk about your legal options with a skilled attorney.
It is my job as a DUI lawyer in Newark to investigate and assess every element of the arrest and the evidence that is being utilized to explain it.
Do you need a DUI lawyer in Newark? You or a loved one or friend should call today. I can request and review all of the evidence that law enforcement officials are utilizing to support the arrest and charges made against you. The penalties for a first time DWI offense are steep:
Speak with a DUI attorney in Newark as quickly as you can following your drunken driving arrest. Law enforcement agents are required to perform their duties within the state and Constitutional guidelines of due process, and any evidence that they gather must also be obtained in accordance with these decrees. Falsified reports and failures to adhere to procedures are not unheard of – and they may not stand up to my aggressive, meticulous legal analysis. Don’t give up without a fight. Call me today!
Call me in Newark, Jersey City, Paterson, Elizabethtown, Hackensack, Hoboken, Irvington, East Orange, Union City and throughout Northern New Jersey. No attorney or law firm can guarantee the outcome of your case. However, as a Newark DUI lawyer, I can provide you with a free evaluation of the details of your situation, and help you tailor a defense strategy to pursue the best possible outcome.