Newark Prostitution Lawyer

Prostitution is illegal in nearly every state. The law applies equally to both patrons and providers in New Jersey, and both may find themselves in trouble when caught. Local police forces are notorious for cracking down on potential offenders and seeking evidence under every metaphorical stone. Without strong evidence, they cannot prove that a suspect committed the alleged violation of the law.

When you are accused of a sex work-related crime, your circumstances may feel isolating or embarrassing. However, the most beneficial thing you can do is to hire a seasoned criminal defense attorney. No matter how complex your situation may be, Attorney Eric M. Mark is a Newark prostitution lawyer with the skills and experience to handle your case skillfully and effectively.

What To Know About Prostitution as a Crime in Newark

New Jersey law defines prostitution as offering, accepting, or agreeing to engage in sexual activity in exchange for money or something of economic value. Sexual activity is not only different forms of intercourse but also acts such as masturbation, genital touching, or sadomasochistic behavior. Both prostitutes and those seeking the services can get in trouble. Simply making or accepting the offer can be enough for a conviction; the deed itself need not be done.

Promoting prostitution—informally called pimping—is when someone manages or operates a sex work business, recruits providers, or facilitates such activities through solicitation or transportation. It also includes allowing property to be used for those purposes. Some examples would be finding a client for a prostitute, actively introducing someone to become one, or failing to evict a tenant who you know is using the property for that purpose.

New Jersey law also forbids knowingly promoting or engaging in prostitution involving a child under 18, regardless of mistaken belief about the child’s age, offering sensual acts for economic value, or exploiting one’s child, spouse, ward, or someone in their care.

In order to have the strongest possible defense against any prostitution charges, it is vital for someone to work with a qualified legal professional in Newark.

Potential Consequences for Prostitution

The penalties vary based on the specific charges. Engaging in prostitution, whether as a patron or provider, is generally classified as a disorderly person’s offense, punishable by up to six months in jail or fines up to $1,000. For individuals with prior convictions, repeat offenses are escalated to fourth-degree crimes, which are felonies that carry up to 18 months in prison and fines up to $10,000.

If the offense involves coercion, such as using threats or force to compel someone into prostitution, it becomes a third-degree crime, punishable by up to five years in prison and fines reaching $15,000. The consequences can be more severe if the offense involves minors or other aggravating circumstances, and a history of prior convictions could impact sentencing.

A conviction for a sex-related offense in Newark can have devastating consequences for someone’s personal life, reputation, and financial situation, so it is important to consult a skilled attorney immediately.

Possible Legal Defenses to Sex Work Accusations

It is important not to lose hope. A prosecutor must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a crime was committed. In order to weaken the opposite side’s argument, there are many tactics a qualified legal counsel could employ, such as:

  • Mistaken identity
  • Lack of probable cause or agreement
  • False accusations, perhaps made out of spite, revenge, or misunderstanding
  • Violation of the Fourth or Fifth Amendments with an improper search and seizure or not being read the Miranda rights

There is also the defense of entrapment, which is when someone is unreasonably or persistently encouraged by police to commit a crime and is then arrested for committing that crime. In order to give the impression of being tough on crime, law enforcement often sets up stings where a police officer poses as a potential client and engages their target to entice them into offering sex for money. These operations are often messily conducted or unfairly depict a person’s actions.

It is vital to keep in mind that, legally, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. There are many valid arguments that a Newark attorney could use to fight sex work charges.

Meet With a Newark Prostitution Attorney Today

Cases with a sexual connotation can haunt you for the rest of your life, so when you find yourself in such a situation, it is common to feel trapped, frightened, and alone. However, sometimes law enforcement messes up or is dishonest about what happened, so it is important to contact a Newark prostitution lawyer to determine your options. An experienced attorney could evaluate the details of your case, craft a tailored defense strategy, and work to mitigate the potential impact on your life. Reach out to our firm today.