New Jersey Officials Award $4 M to Law Enforcement for Body Cameras

  • New Jersey Officials Award $4 M to Law Enforcement for Body Cameras
    New Jersey Officials Award $4 M to Law Enforcement for Body Cameras
    Newark, NJ- In the very near future, most interactions between the New Jersey state police and the public will soon be recorded by body cameras now that authorities have allocated $4 million dollars to state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies to purchase the equipment. (more…)
  • New Jersey Supreme Court Reverses Teen’s Manslaughter Plea
    New Jersey Supreme Court Reverses Teen’s Manslaughter Plea
    Newark, NJ-In the case, the State of New Jersey vs. Edwin Urbina, the New Jersey Supreme Court, reversed a teenager’s manslaughter conviction after determining a lower court shouldn’t have accepted his plea bargain since he maintained throughout the course of his case that he acted out of self-defense. (more…)
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    U.S. Supreme Court Sides with Man Convicted of Making Online Threats
    Newark, NJ- In an 7-1 decision, handed down on down on June 1st, the U.S. Supreme Court made it more difficult for prosecutors to convict people for making threats on Facebook and other social media platforms by reversing federal convictions of a Pennsylvania man accused of threatening his estranged wife....
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    8 Factors That Influence Bail
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    4 Steps to Take When Appealing a Criminal Conviction
    A criminal conviction can severely compromise your personal and financial interests. A guilty verdict for a criminal charge may result in a lengthy prison sentence and steep fines. (more…)