What Happens If I Don’t Have the Ignition Interlock Device Installed After a DWI Conviction?

  • What Happens If I Don’t Have the Ignition Interlock Device Installed After a DWI Conviction?
    What Happens If I Don’t Have the Ignition Interlock Device Installed After a DWI Conviction?
    Blowing into an ignition interlock device (IID) is both inconvenient and embarrassing, and the costs of installation and calibration can add up quickly. It is understandable why some people are hesitant to get an IID installed on their vehicle, but failure to do so could result in additional penalties. (more…)
  • What Are Possible Defenses against DWI charges in New Jersey?
    What Are Possible Defenses against DWI charges in New Jersey?
    The consequences of a DWI conviction can ruin your relationships, stifle your career, and take away important freedoms. If you were in fact driving under the influence before being arrested, you might think that fighting the charges would be pointless. This, however, is never true. (more…)
  • New Jersey Assembly Approves New DWI Legislation
    New Jersey Assembly Approves New DWI Legislation
    Newark, NJ- There is a list of reasons why drinking and driving is a terrible idea. For one, it’s illegal, and a driver could be charged with a DWI which carries a host of troublesome consequences. It also happens to be very dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control,...
  • Enhanced Penalties for DWI in New Jersey
    Enhanced Penalties for DWI in New Jersey
    Newark, NJ- Every year thousands of New Jersey motorists are charged with driving while intoxicated, a charge that can carry harsh penalties. Certain circumstances associated with a DWI arrest can result in enhanced penalties which may include mandatory jail time, higher fines and longer license suspension periods. In this blog,...
  • DUI Laws Could Get Tougher
    DUI Laws Could Get Tougher
    July 31, 2013, Newark- In 2011, New Jersey law enforcement agencies arrested approximately 26,206 drivers who they suspected were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, data from the Century Council shows. To state lawmakers this is an alarming statistic, and they are currently considering a law that will make...