On December 20, 2017, a school bus driver named Angel Colon was driving a school bus transporting approximately 20 kids to a private school. A Lakewood, NJ police officer responded to a road rage report incident involving the school bus and another car. According to the police, as the officer...
If you’re like most drivers in New Jersey, it’s hard to imagine getting by without the freedom to hit the road on four wheels. But if you’re facing DWI charges—even if it is your first offense—it is likely that your driver’s license will be suspended. (more…)
If you’re facing DWI charges in New Jersey, you’re probably aware that a conviction comes with serious penalties that could affect your personal life and career. This is especially true if this is your second or subsequent DWI conviction. (more…)
A police traffic stop is always a stressful experience, but it is critical that you remain calm and take steps to protect your interests. In this article, I’ll discuss a few strategies that may help you avoid charges, and if you are arrested, these strategies will put you in a...
Even if this is your first time being charged with DWI and there are no aggravating factors, a conviction will still have major repercussions including steep fines and possible jail time. But if there are aggravating factors—for example, if you were driving within 1,000 feet of a school zone or...