U.S. Supreme Court Sides with Man Convicted of Making Online Threats

  • U.S. Supreme Court Sides with Man Convicted of Making Online Threats
    U.S. Supreme Court Sides with Man Convicted of Making Online Threats
    Newark, NJ- In an 7-1 decision, handed down on down on June 1st, the U.S. Supreme Court made it more difficult for prosecutors to convict people for making threats on Facebook and other social media platforms by reversing federal convictions of a Pennsylvania man accused of threatening his estranged wife....
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    Immigration Lawsuit Pushes for Timely Approval of Employment Authorization
    Newark, NJ- A new class-action lawsuit, filed by three immigrants and immigration service providers in a federal court, alleges that the United State Citizenship and Immigration Services fails to process or adjudicate employment authorization applications in a timely manner as prescribed by law. The lawsuit also alleges the federal immigration...
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