In response to new policies that have expanded the categories of immigrants who are eligible for deportation from the United States, thousands of immigrants have crossed the U.S.-Quebec border—many illegally—to avoid removal proceedings. (more…)
Your immigration status could be a critical factor in your criminal case. Whether you were charged with a traffic violation or a more serious offense, your attorney will be required to ask about your immigration status. If you are yet to find an attorney that can help you then take...
President Trump promised on the campaign trail to end DACA “immediately.” Although he has since changed his tune and expressed a more neutral position on the program, Congress might be forced to determine the future of DACA as soon as September. (more…)
In February, GOP senators introduced the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act, a bill that would reduce the number of green cards granted each year by 50 percent over the next decade. (more…)
In a previous blog, I explained how the U.S. Supreme Court removed certain roadblocks that were stifling President Trump’s travel ban. As a result, parts of the ban were allowed to proceed, but it could only be enforced against people who do not have a “bona fide connection” with a...