  • Applying for Asylum in New Jersey
    Applying for Asylum in New Jersey
    Newark, NJ- Asylum is a special immigration status granted to individuals who left, or cannot return to, their native countries out of fear for their personal safety and fear they face further persecution if they return. The United States limits the number of immigrants granted asylum each year and requires...
  • Applying for Asylum in New Jersey
    Applying for Asylum in New Jersey
    In order to be eligible for asylum, an applicant must demonstrate that she or he is a member of one of the protected classes (race, religion, nationality, political opinion or particular social group) and that there is a well-founded fear she or he would be persecuted if returned to his or...
  • Appellate Court Clarified How Child Endangerment Charge Impacts Immigration Status
    Appellate Court Clarified How Child Endangerment Charge Impacts Immigration Status
    Newark, NJ- One aspect of immigration that often gets overlooked is the effect a criminal conviction can have on an individual’s status. Regardless of whether the person is documented or not, for an immigrant, a criminal conviction, even a seemingly minor one, can jeopardize their status and put them in...
  • Appeals Court Says State Cannot Deny Driver’s Licenses to Dreamers
    Appeals Court Says State Cannot Deny Driver’s Licenses to Dreamers
    Newark, NJ- On July 7, 2014, a federal appellate court ruled that the state of Arizona cannot deny driver’s licenses to young immigrants awarded work permits and given deportation relief under an Obama Administration policy stating the state’s policy violated their equal protection rights and caused them undue harm. The...
  • Appeals Court Rules for Immigrant Given Legal Advice by Fraudulent Attorney
    Appeals Court Rules for Immigrant Given Legal Advice by Fraudulent Attorney
    Newark, NJ- The Fourth District Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a Romanian immigrant, Ann Marie Rila, giving her the opportunity to challenge a guilty plea she entered in a criminal case based on the advice of man posing as an immigration attorney. Her case should serve as a...